The Constitution Of The Twitchouse Group




We the members of TWITCHOUSE GROUP (herein referred to as TWITCHOUSE) of the University of Ghana,

Recognizing the necessity to establish for ourselves and posterity a framework of student leadership for the promotion of our welfare and the blessings of democracy and academic excellence, endeavouring to promote and improve  the socio-cultural wellbeing of every member , in the spirit of friendship and peace with all students of the University of Ghana; and in solemn declaration and affirmation of our commitment to the values of justice, rule of law, probity and accountability and the respect for and preservation of the fundamental human rights and freedoms of members of TWITCHOUSE,

Do hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves this constitution.






  1. This constitution shall be the supreme law of members of the TWITCHOUSE GROUP for whose welfare the powers provided herein are to be exercised for the proper administration of the group.
  2. Any act or enactment that is inconsistent with any provision(s) of this constitution shall to the extent of the inconsistency be null and void.
  3. Without prejudice to clause 1 of this article, this constitution shall be subject to the constitution of the republic of Ghana, University of Ghana rules and regulations, the SRC constitution and the rules and regulations of the TWITCHOUSE GROUP.




  1. A member who alleges that an enactment or anything done or omitted is inconsistent or in contravention with this constitution may bring an action to the Executive Board of the group for a declaration to that effect.
  2. The executive board shall for the purpose under clause 1 of this article make such orders or give directions as it may deem appropriate.
  3. Any person(s) to whom such orders or directives are made under clause 2 of this constitution shall duly obey and carry out the terms of the order or directive.
  4. Any person(s) who fails to obey such orders or directives shall face appropriate sanctions prescribed by the Executive board and in the case of members of the Executive board, shall constitute grounds for removal from office.




  1. Every member of the group is obliged to abide by, protect and preserve this constitution
  2. It shall be unlawful for any member of the group to engage in activities that smother the enforcement of this constitution




  1. The aims and objectives of the TWITCHOUSE GROUP shall be to:
  1. Educate and socially integrate students through event organizations, seminars, workshops, internship opportunities among others.
  2. Increase and promote unity and solidarity amongst the student groups through frequent activities like health walk, social gatherings and the like.
  3. Allow for student empowerment through acquisition of skills and knowledge which they will need for their future ambitions.
  4. Work in association with relevant corporate bodies to enable members acquire practical work experience.
  5. Harnessing skills and promoting awareness of excellence through event organizations.




  1. Any student in any recognized tertiary school becomes a member of the TWITCHOUSE GROUP by being duly registered and accepted by the Executive Board of the group in that particular school.
  2. Where the group or the Executive Board is not formed in a school, a student who wishes to join from that school shall inform the executive Board of the nearest school and be duly registered to join the group in the nearest school. The person will be made the group head in his or her respective school when the group is fully formed in that school.


  1. Membership be terminated upon at least a verbal and or written warning of a gross misconduct on the part of a member
  2. In the case of a member of the Executive Board, clause 1 shall lead to termination of appointment and consequently loss of membership if no change of behaviour is observed or if the misconduct will greatly impede the operations of the group.
  3. At least two weeks’ notice should be given in case of termination of appointment by an Executive member.
  4. The power to terminate appointment or membership shall be exercised by the Executive Board in consultation with the Management of the TWITCHOUSE GROUP.



  1. All members of the group have the right to participate in all general meetings and activities of the group.
  2. All members shall enjoy the rights recognized by the University of Ghana in general and that of the group without any discrimination whatsoever.


  1. Members of the group shall uphold and defend the constitution of the TWITCHOUSE GROUP
  2. Fully participate in all activities of the group
  3. Co-operate with the Executive Board to promote the welfare of group.
  4. Protect, respect and safeguard the rights of other members of the group at all times
  5. Refrain from all acts which would bring the name of the group into disrepute.
  6. No member of the group shall use the property of the group for his or her personal gain without permission from the Executive Board
  7. Any of the following penalties may result from a breach of this article where applicable;
  8. Impeachment
  9. Liability to the extent of financial loss caused to the group
  10. Loss of membership or termination of appointment from Executive Board in the case of an executive member



  1. TWITCHOUSE GROUP shall have a senior member of the University of Ghana, Legon as its patron.
  2. The Executive Board shall compose of the following officers;
  3. The President
  4. The vice- president
  5. The secretary
  6. Events manager
  7. Assistant events manager
  8. Creativity manager
  9. Assistant creativity manager
  10. Sales Manager/Treasurer
  11. Assistant Sales Manager/Treasurer
  12. Legal Advisor
  13. The Executive Board (C.3.A.2.) shall make up the Board of Directors with two (2) other members.
  14. The two (2) members shall be elected or appointed by the Executive Body.


  1. The position of the Executive Body shall be:
    1. By the appointment from the previous Executive body.
    2. By consensus among all the members.
  2. The Board of Directors and Executive Body shall stand dissolved after one full academic year.
  3. The members of the board shall be eligible for re-electin a maximum of two (2) consecutive times.


  1. The president of the group shall be the executive administrator of the group and shall take precedence over all other persons of the group; in descending order the President, Vice-president, the Events manager and the assistant, the Creativity manager and the assistant and the treasurer shall take precedence over all other members of the group.
  2. The president shall;
  3. Be the spokesperson of the executive board and a link between the Twitchouse group, the school authorities and the management of Twitchouse Marketing Services.
  4. Unless otherwise provided, should preside over all group meetings
  5. Represent the group on all meetings where the group is required to be represented.
  6. During the first months of the beginning of each semester brief the group on the current state of affairs of the group at a general meeting called for this purpose.
  7. Perform any other duty as may be assigned to her/him by the executive board in so far as it is consistent with the constitution.


  1. The Vice-President shall;
  2. Assist the president in carrying out his/her duties
  3. Assume duties in the absence of the president
  4. Perform any other duty as may be assigned to her/him by the president or the executive board in so far as it is consistent with the constitution.
  5. Shall be the chairperson of the welfare team/committee


  1. The Secretary shall;
    1. Record and keep all the minutes of all meetings including all Board meetings.
    2. Prepare notices and/ or text to all members of all meetings.
    3. Assist to disseminate vital information to all members of the TWITCHOUSE GROUP.
    4. Help in organising and gathering all members including the Executive Board for general meetings as at when requested by the President.


  1. The events manager shall be;
  2. The head of the events team
  3. Be the head of events planning committee
  4. In consultation with the executive board, coordinate all major events of the group.
  5. Be in charge of all logistics, guests, clients or customers and venue arrangement for all major events
  6. Perform other functions as assigned by the president or the executive board in so far as it is consistent with the constitution.


  1. The assistant events manager shall;
  2. Assist the events manager in carrying out his/her duties.
  3. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the events manager.


  1. The creativity manager shall;
  2. Be responsible for all photography and videography necessary for the operations the TWITCHOUSE GROUP.
  3. Be responsible for identifying and recruiting talents amongst members of twitchouse.
  4. Be responsible for providing content to the Twitch Magazine from University of Ghana chapter of Twitchouse.
  5. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the President or the executive board in so far as it is consistent with the constitution.


  1. The assistant events manager shall;
  2. Assist the Creativity manager in carrying out his/her duties.
  3. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the creativity manager.


  1. The sales manager/treasurer shall;
  2. Be a student with accounting background.
  3. Receive all funds accruing to the group and disburse it in collaboration with and with approval from the executive board.
  4. Be responsible for keeping records of all financial transactions in the interest of the group in accordance with this constitution
  5. Be responsible for managing all sales activities in the interest of the group
  6. Together with the executive board prepare budget and financial accounts of the group.
  7. Be subject to audit and prepare a detailed and true statement of accounts covering the period of office of the executive board before handing over to the newly appointed executive board.
  8. Together with the president and any other member of the executive board be signatories to all the group bank accounts.
  9. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the President or the executive board in so far as it is consistent with the constitution.


  1. The assistant sales manager/treasurer shall;
    1. Assist the sales manager/treasurer in carrying out his/her duties.
    2. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the sales manager/treasurer.


  1. The legal advisor shall;
    1. Preferable be a law student of the same institution.
    2. Be the chief advisor and lead counsel to the group in all legal matters
    3. Represent the executive board and other committees of the group in so far as it is consistent with the constitution.
    4. Draw up and be a signatory to all legal documents of the group.
    5. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the President or the executive board in so far as it is consistent with the constitution


  1. The executive board shall be responsible for;
  2. Planning, organization and coordination of the socio-cultural and intellectual activities of members of the Twitchouse Marketing Group.
  3. Taking decisions on matters referred to by the group and reporting back to the group on actions taken
  4. The nomination of persons for appointment to the Executive Board and committees as established by this constitution.
  5. Communicating to members decisions taken at Executive board meetings
  6. Preparation and presentation of a comprehensive annual report to the members of the group at the end of their tenure of office and recommendations for guidance of succeeding executive board.
  7. Ensuring that funds are available for the running of the various offices of the executive board and committees
  8. Promoting and maintaining good relationship amongst members of the group and also the rest of the student populace.


An executive member of the Executive Board and/ or Board of Directors shall be removed from post if found to have

  1. Acted in violation of this constitution
  2. Conducted her/himself in a manner which
    1. brings or likely to bring the high office of the Executive in disrepute, ridicule or contempt
    2. Is prejudicial or inimical to the interest of the group
  3. Be incapable of performing functions of his/her office by reason of infirmity of mind or body
  4. Embezzled funds or recklessly handled the finances of the group.


In the event of removal from office of any executive member, the following shall apply:

  1. In the case of removal of the President, the Vice President shall assume the office of the President
  2. Where an executive member is removed from office in reference to (REMOVAL FROM OFFICE) or by resignation, the next in rank executive member shall assume the vacant post.
  3. However, the executive board in collaboration with members of the group shall nominate people who shall then be appointed by the Executive Board to assume any other vacant posts within a period of seven (7) clear days.
  4. Any member of the Executive Board who decides to resign may do so by writing under his/her hands and addressed to the President and copied two other executive members a letter stating the reasons for the resignation.
  5. Where the leadership of the Executive Board wishes to resign en masses, they shall do so in writing under their hands to Board of Directors of the TWITCHOUSE GROUP.
  6. He/She shall surrender to the Executive Board all properties of the group in his or her custody within forty eight (48) hours.
  7. Shall submit for immediate auditing all statements of accounts and financial transactions undertaken by his/her office within twenty four (24) hours.


  1. There shall be at least two (2) group general meeting every semester as may be necessary when school is in session.
  2. Decisions taken at group meetings shall be binding on all group members
  3. The president, any two members of the executive board and at least five (5) members of the group shall form a quorum for a group general meeting.
  4. All meetings of the group shall follow General meeting procedure.



  1. A member of the TWITCHOUSE GROUP will be liable for sanctioning in the event of;
    1. Indulging in any activity that does not promote the aims and principles of the organization.
    2. Causing disorder or chaos during or after any event or meeting organized by the group.
    3. Acting in contrary to the constitution of the group and that of the University as a whole.


  1. This constitution shall be amended in accordance to the changing dynamics, vision and experiences that befall the TWITCHOUSE GROUP in their day to day operations.
  2. It will be the sole responsibility of the Executive Body and Board of Directors to carry out the amendments as required by the organization.
  3. The amendment process of this constitution will follow due process as expected and required by the laws of the University in order to continue to foster the harmonious and cordial environment it has always created.
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